Toyota's actual record is not so green, its been going backwards

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 101101, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    In the comments section for the new Toyota BEV on this site there is an obvious paid shill
    putting out a bunch of total BS on Toyota's environmental record. To hear that paid shill tell it Toyota has made huge strides over the last decade in CO2 reduction. If only that were true!

    Launched Prius
    Helped Tesla get its start
    May be partnering with Tesla

    Opposed CARB
    Actively opposed increased BEVs loybbing US etc.
    Foisting dirty hydrogen as clean and trying to push it.
    Foisting the self charging BS
    If memory serves from a recent report Toyota was the auto maker that actually went backwards on CO2 in grams per mile over the last decade (incredible huh?)
    Failed to file something like 200 EPA reports and if memory serves has something like a 100M fine pending from EPA for this. Maybe it was avoiding having to pay for credits and admit that it was doing so? Public should know this stuff.

    Suspect MB and Toyota are both trying dowse the Tesla Q1 report to prevent more de-capitalization and demoralization. A read between the lines on the Toyota BEV reveals there are no specs- premature. And it looks a bit like he UX they already have in China- take a look at those specs and see if you think they are competitive? And same with EQS. In the fine print on EQS was a note that (thank you to Warren Redlich for pointing it out) that MB expects 50% battery degradation at 150k miles (with weasel language about up to) and they are using weasel WLTP to begin with so it seems reliable range is more in the realm of Taycan EPA.
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