Horizontal Disintegration: GM trying to pass off Waymo and Tesla tech as its own

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Feb 15, 2019.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Zach Shahan put forward this thesis on the Tesla tech and Tesla product going into a GM truck without acknowledgment by GM and I think it is a very strong thesis if you see it for what it is. I think if you look at GM's Cruz automation that effort is more of the same kind of BS where GM is reduced to a vitamin label maker but taking credit for the work of others. Compare this with Tesla's vertical strategy. In essence this reduces GM to an advertising firm. So Cruz is just Waymo repackaged, been saying that for some time. There was this ridiculous Softbank investment in Cruz after GM's supposed acquisition. I say supposed because I think Cruz amounted to vaporware marketing blather to cover GM becoming dependent on Google for self-driving so it essence it would be a way of lying to investors to make the company look more stable than it is. And just like the Softbank cover GM wanting to piggyback on the Amazon investment in Rivian looks like more of the same especially since Shahan called their bluff and preempted them- this would be cover for GM using Tesla tech, and GM would have to try to cover that by making it look like they were investing broadly in electric tech instead of their long time fail convincingly strategy. I think there is actually a truth in advertising issue here where this kind of stuff needs to be out in the open if is going to happen. I also think its misleading investors because it makes it look like GM's position is much stronger than it is interfering with people's ability value risk, GM might as well be lying about its debt or cash flow or IP.

    As for the Amazon piece Amazon has a partnership with Toyota on these autonomous electric micro bus transport haulers that presumably would be the optimal logistical footprint for Amazon's ground haul. Toyota is apparently launching an EV spin off brand. And as we know Toyota has contracted for 5 battery plants from Panasonic enough to produce 5 million EVs a year by 2030 which given the 10-18x reduction of new vehicles needed every year due to the transport as a service and autonomous electric vehicle access means Toyota is planning to eliminate its ICE products- you can further see this in Toyota sourcing BMW to produce the ICE motor in its flagship Supra this year- that wouldn't happen if Toyota still gave a damn about any ICE. You can all see Toyota's moves telegraphed when the founders son and Toyota head personally took over EV development a couple years ago. And of course China just had enough EV capacity come on line this year to replace its entire domestic ICE market for vehicles and its market is the largest in the world.

    But back to GM, can't imagine the hilarious laugh your arse off rolling on the floor news when after GM gave 25 billion to enriching non-contributing shareholders on the government dime to turn around and drop tons of employees in the face of Trump promises to the heart land that Trump told GM he'd cut their secret subsidies!!! And then even more LMAROTF was GM trying to say Tesla wouldn't take up GM's discharged manufacturing capacity as GM shrunk in real terms because Tesla was anti union- sounding a lot like the GM that tried to blame its bankruptcy on its employees (who generate all GM has but are always last to in line a GM)- GM is anti-human not just anti-union.

    Think of the irony here. GM is one of the most dishonest companies in history and one of the most stupidly arrogant. Think, it was half of the team that put lead in the gasoline etc. Think of the irony where it did a deal to use Toyota tech or designs and run parallel lines at the NUMMINI (now Tesla Freemont) to try and learn from Toyota and learned nothing! The Toyota side introduced all the employee suggestions or very close during the venture and GM did none! How stupid and how arrogant and how backward would you have to be not introduce any of your employee suggestions- that attitude is at the essence of GM the stupid bitter elitism it runs on as part of petrarchy. And notice now that Toyota put a BMW engine in the new Supra, I think that is super tell-tale that Toyota is backing away from ICE and going electric- Toyota learned from NUMMINI, Tesla grew up out of it at Freemont plant.

    GM as a Trojan for Tesla:
    I think this venture could further Elon's goal and maybe provide access to capital and provide further vindication of Elon and Tesla's vision but for GM only work out about as well as NUMMINI did while making GM dependent on Tesla. And of course design sourcing and all that is always subject to being out-ted in a leak as Shahan seems to have done. GM can try to deny this in FUD media but its subject to more authoritative consensus by way of outlets like infinity chan- at this time burden of proof is on GM, and it shouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt on anything.

    But lets keep some things in mind about GM priorities because they would be pretty obvious.

    1. GM would want to power its vehicles with fossil fuels even if they were electric- this firm is all about failing convincingly and lying to the public and the people who run it as well as its culture is still inbred to prioritize employees and the public last and the parasite class first. This pattern ideology and prioritization likely even runs down into partners and their culture.

    2. It would want to use any pivot to electric as an avenue to further abuse its union and its employees and blame the union for it. Its stupid elitist to the core.

    3. It wants to bankrupt Tesla and is likely calculating that if it could just access tech that it didn't pay to develop (it developed fail convincingly tech) it has a chance at trying to bury Tesla- this is stupid thinking but this is a firm run by criminal ideology a whole lineage and culture of it, a firm that opposed seat belts and air bags and anti-polution legislation because it would impede a disconnected non-contributing class of parasitic self-appointed elites in rent seeking the financial blood out of ordinary people.

    The idea that GM tries to cover with Amazon by investing in Rivian or claiming to be investing is likely an attempt to deflect from Tesla to protect shorts and run bad PR against Tesla to try to stop Tesla's stock swap vice debt pay off from happening next month. Also, Amazon is investing in Aurora, the people that took Tesla's data when on the Mobile Eye platform. Also, if GM puts money in Rivian it may be aiming to mess the company up, aiming to negatively impact decision making. Look at what it did with the EV1. Its "fail convincingly" to the core, GM is about failing and lying about it as it does a huge stock buy back while laying off huge amounts of employees. Watch its actions more than its words. It killed the Volt lets if the econo boxed back end (by design) Bolt gets pulled too.

    While we're at it Bill Gates apparently made ill advised comments on battery weight vs long distance trucking. He's made pro fossil fuel comments in the past despite pushing Terra Power etc. There has been a lot of heavy weight FUD trying to shill against Tesla right now. Ars Technica has always been a BS site on everything, they simply get paid to lie in favor of the worst they're recently came up with some BS about Autopilot as bad as the CNBC stuff on cold weather.

    While where at it on the desperation to mess with Tesla right now, noted there was the former Soros associate and they are running stories about how great an investor he was and he just shorted Tesla but they also note he just took a position in Fortress Energy a vertically integrated natural gas company. So what would that stupidity be? Well it CEO claims its clean- with CO2 emission and Mercury emission and fracking and leaks its not any cleaner than clean coal so its based on a lie at its core but it doesn't stop them from idiotically asserting this. And its supposed to be 'cheap' but no way it or any other NG could last a year without massive fraudulent subsidies and financial blackmailing with derivatives- so more lies. And what is supposed to make it better or more hardened as its stupid name suggest? Is it putting battery behind NG- this is a waste of batteries- much better to put new battery supply behind actual clean tech and force the stupid sort of investors that invests in NG to absorb the losses justice requires them to have. How intelligent could you be if you invested in any kind of natural gas- how is it not a crime already recognized in law? Its like we can make money off poisoning people- its not just where you draw the line on proximate cause- you have to be an outright idiot. You'd have to be a fool of the highest order. Dangerous idiots in a position to abuse the toxic political power that unfortunately unchecked can accrue to money, are themselves a kind of pollution that has to be abated as are hook in the arse politicians who talk about bridge fuels.
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