Comparing shortest to fastest route

Discussion in 'General' started by bwilson4web, Feb 17, 2022.

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  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Between 1:30 AM to 2:30 AM at 60 F (15 C,) I ran two benchmarks between home, a former worksite, and back home:
    • Default fast - using built-in navigation, drove using the recommended highway based route:
      • round trip: 30:11 mm:ss
      • 21 mi total
      • 208 Wh/mi (208 * 21 = 4.37 kWh)
    • Shortest direct - using a waypoint, drove urban streets
      • round trip: 36:21 mm:ss (+6:10 mm:ss)
      • 19 mi total (-2 mi)
      • 188 Wh/mi (188 * 19 = 3.57 kWh)
    FSD beta did most of the steering and speed control. However, I adjusted the traffic aware cruise control to the posted limit as needed and selected lanes based on the next intersection. The shortest route had ten traffic lights and one stop sign while the fastest route had four traffic lights. Due to up and down grades, shifting to "N" for coasting is impractical as down slopes increase speed and variable angle up slopes are inconsistent.

    The fastest route has limited access so one accident slows traffic backup to a crawl. The shorter route also has crashes but the side streets provide a detour around the problem. There are intermediate routes that tradeoff speed and distance that need to be evaluated separately.

    Bob Wilson
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