110v vs 220v

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Brewer Fan, Jul 2, 2022.

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  1. Brewer Fan

    Brewer Fan Member

    It’s time for my daily dumb question! LOL! We have a 110v outlet and a 220v (level 2) charger installed. For now, I’m usually only using 20-25 miles a day on my Mini so we are charging at night- after the peak hours of electricity cost. My husband says it costs the same if we use the 220v for 3 hours as it would using the 110v for 6 hours - your thoughts?
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  3. revorg

    revorg Well-Known Member

    My utility company charges by the kilowatt-hour, not by the volts. A charge for your SE would cost the same, regardless of how long it takes. I much prefer to charge with my Level 2 than with the Level 2 that came with the car.
  4. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Why do you prefer your Level 2 over the Level 2 that came with the car? Does your Level 2 provide data that you use?
  5. revorg

    revorg Well-Known Member

    Oops. Uncorrected typo. I much prefer to charge with my Level 2 than with the Level 1...
    (So much for proofreading.)
    insightman likes this.
  6. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    I often find myself scrambling to correct my posts within the 5 minute limit after I post them. You can still edit posts older than 5 minutes, but a notice appears with the post, giving evidence of my lack of proofreading before clicking POST REPLY. I'm extra frustrated when people reply while I'm still correcting my post!

    I just corrected this post 3 separate times.
    GvilleGuy and Brewer Fan like this.
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  8. Brewer Fan

    Brewer Fan Member

    I was trying to delete a post I made and couldn’t figure how to do it. We are headed to Ann Arbor this week….one of my favorite places….unfortunately too far for my Mini SE (Rita) to travel.
    insightman likes this.
  9. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    It's not just me then! :D
    insightman likes this.
  10. JonR

    JonR Well-Known Member

    On average, Level 2 charging was 5.6% more efficient than Level 1 (89.4% vs. 83.8%). In those charges in which the battery took up less than 4 kWh, this difference in efficiency was even greater: 87.2% for Level 2 vs. 74.2% for Level 1. ​


    So 24 miles is about 6 kWh.
    Level 1: 1.25 * 6 = 7.5 kWh
    Level 2: 1.13 * 6 = 6.78 kWh

    Average cost is about $0.11 per kWh so...
    .11 * 7.5 = $0.83
    .11 * 6.78 = $0.75

    8 cents difference per day or another way to look at it, a little over a penny per kWh.

    You'll also find articles online that level 1 is better for battery life.

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