110v vs 220v

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Brewer Fan, Jul 2, 2022.

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  1. Brewer Fan

    Brewer Fan Member

    It’s time for my daily dumb question! LOL! We have a 110v outlet and a 220v (level 2) charger installed. For now, I’m usually only using 20-25 miles a day on my Mini so we are charging at night- after the peak hours of electricity cost. My husband says it costs the same if we use the 220v for 3 hours as it would using the 110v for 6 hours - your thoughts?
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  3. jwzimm

    jwzimm Active Member

    He is correct in that you are charged based on the kWh you use. A kilowatt-hour is a measure of energy delivered. The difference between charging at 110v and 220v is that you can draw more wattage per unit time with the higher voltage outlet. Ultimately you still deliver a set amount of energy to the car (measured in kWh) so the cost of the electricity would be the same.

    The one caveat is that there are efficiency differences between the 110v charger and the 220v charge. I believe someone on here did and experiment that showed that higher voltage charging is more efficient so theoretically you pay less using the level 2 charger but the difference is likely very small.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
    Zim and SameGuy like this.
  4. BigDawgMike

    BigDawgMike New Member

    I used a level 1 charger for a few weeks before I installed my level 2. I drive around 50 miles per day. My level 1 charger had a total charge of 12 kWh. The level 2 charger used 10 kWh.


    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
    MiniAlpacas likes this.
  5. Yep, it'll cost the same. The slower charge @110 will technically be a bit more gentle on the battery, but I doubt it'll make any real difference in the long run. If you can catch cheaper electric rates at off-peak hours with 220v and timing, go that route.
  6. Darrell Hayes

    Darrell Hayes Member

    6 hours charging at 120v is equivalent to about 1 hour at 240v at full current draw.
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  8. If you mean 240v @ 32A, then yeah. Depends on the amperage you're pulling though, not every 240v outlet/setup is built for that.

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