Ontario to facilitate EV infrastructure installations

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by revorg, Feb 22, 2024.

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  1. revorg

    revorg Well-Known Member

    Ontario is cutting the red tape for EV charging installation. According to the Canadian province's website, "all local utilities will follow a streamlined process for EV charging connections" from late May, making it easier to build public chargers. electrive
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  3. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    There's really not much revisions from the December 15, 2023 version aside from the standardized Excel Spreadsheet and definitions to multi-residential buildings.

    I still find it counter intuitive that people from Ontario call it a hydro bill when 53%+ comes from nuclear energy. That and the concept of buying milk by the 1.056688 gallons at a time...well 3 bags of 0.35229 gallons.

  4. Let me introduce you to the "color of margarine in Quebec" issue, or perhaps I'll spare you ;)
    teslarati97 likes this.
  5. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    True. When I get around to visiting Québec, I look forward to stopping by Entrepôt Entrepôt Entrepôt Entrepôt Costco Wholesale.

    Or is it Entrepôt Costco Wholesale?

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