Hondalink issues

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by JKroll, Oct 12, 2018.

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  1. JKroll

    JKroll Member

    Avoided getting Hondalink after seeing horror stories here for 8 months.

    Tried it first time .. ofcourse the email /zip never matched. went thr the rigour of calling honda and then calling honda tech. That lady was nice and reset the 4 digit pin and i was able to get right into it.
    Now app said updates required and after updates I am back at the same place I was yesterday - email/zip does not match.

    What a crappy system Honda has created.
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  3. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    What horror stories were you seeing? The app works great for me.
  4. JKroll

    JKroll Member

    just registering is a horror.
  5. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    I was lucky that the registration process was completely seamless, and I have found the app to be fine. It is an important component of my Clarity ownership experience. I can't imagine not having had it since I got my car! Keep trying to get it registered... It's worth it.
    Numbernine likes this.
  6. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    It's probably the fault of your dealer. They need to submit the correct information to Honda; if they don't, horror is the result.
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  8. JKroll

    JKroll Member

    i dont think its dealers fault. even after telling the honda tech the correct email zip still could not register.

    she had to do something in backend with 4 digit activation code.
  9. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    I think that the exact spelling of your name and your email address must match or it will be a horror. At least that’s what happened to me. My dealer put in the correct email but I put in my name with a minor spelling discrepancy (legal name vs nickname) and could not get it to work. Once I used the same spelling as in the sales contract, it worked like a charm. Also it seems there can be a delay if your dealer doesn’t registered you in the Honda “system” immediately.
    I bet typos are a source of a lot of the problems.
    If I ever do this again, I’ll insist I look over the shoulder of whoever enters the info to make sure we’re all on the same page.
  10. Reissc

    Reissc New Member

    I've had my Clarity for only 1week (absolutely love it!), and of course I had the normal Hondalink issues with registration. The dealership was very helpful in getting things figured out. This is the number they gave me for help 888-528-7876. It may help someone else out there.

    Things are working well now.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  11. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    I just have to give a shout-out for Team Honda in Milton on this one... my sales rep sat in the car with me and walked me through the set-up before I left. The 4-digit code didn't come through when the car was in the service bay, so he insisted on driving the car outside and was hell-bent on getting it working for me even when I said, "It's OK, I'll figure it out later." I was impressed at the time but even more now that I hear of the issues a lot of owners have with this set-up process.

    He also knew more about the Clarity than most from what I'm hearing on here, and said he had delivered the most at their dealership. His name is Emmanuel Onabanjo. If you're looking for a Clarity (or any Honda) in the GTA, I highly recommend him and the dealership. It was a great experience ... and I love my Clarity! :)
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  13. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    Finally! It’s so good to hear from owners whose dealership actually knows something about the Clarity AND cares enough to take care of them. There is still hope for the world.
    amy2421 likes this.
  14. Heino

    Heino Active Member

  15. V8Power

    V8Power Active Member

    HondaLink is great when you get it connect. Try your dealer?

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