Charging problem

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Aleksandr, Dec 27, 2018.

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  1. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello everyone,
    I have 2018 Honda Clarity Touring now about 2,313 miles.Since September my vehicle on the service department about 5 times.One time I got check engine error and massage on the dash
    something like that " Plug -In Charging System Problem Range Limited".
    Vehicle sometimes get charge for example 4 days charging no problem on fifth day I have error.I brought car to service department they checked no trouble found.
    Another time I got another error like " Scheduled Charge Unable to Start Charging .Please check EVSE setting".Same output from service department no trouble found.
    I created case on Honda now they investigate what cause this problem.
    The service department told me could be problem with charging station ,but that statement
    can't be true ,because on the same stations people charging another EV cars without problem.
    Anybody has idea how to fix this problem?
    Thank you,
    Kailani likes this.
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  3. Clarity Dave

    Clarity Dave Member

    Have the dealer install technical service bulletin 18-097 (PDF attached to this post).

    Attached Files:

    Pegsie and KentuckyKen like this.
  4. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello Clarity Dave,
    They install all available updates and did recall for Air condicioner and some sensor.
    Thank you,
  5. Viking79

    Viking79 Well-Known Member

    Are you using a public Chargepoint station?
  6. RickSE

    RickSE Active Member

    You should go back to the dealer to see if they did the installation properly. I had the exact same issue you are reporting and after the update I haven’t experienced the error. The car is quite sensitive to some chargers but the difference was nightband day.
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  8. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello Viking79,
    I am using charging station at my work.I saw another Clarity ,Tesla, Volt ,BMW ,Bolt according to owners the don' t have any problem with charging.
  9. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello RickSE,
    Thank you for advice, but technically how I will know dealer did propertly or not.Another way how I will control that.They told me all available updates was installed.
    Thank you.
  10. Viking79

    Viking79 Well-Known Member

    Ask for reference from Honda showing they installed that update above. Many people have issues with the Clarity and public Chargepoint chargers. I would call the charger network operator too (like Chargepoint or whomever runs it). Yes, even though other EVs can charge fine, the Clarity might be more sensitive to wiring issue or just compatibility issue with the specific charger. That update was supposed to fix this, but I also had issues on a public Chargepoint the one time I used one, and that was after the update.
  11. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello Viking79,
    Thank you for your advice.
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  13. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello Clarity Dave,
    I found out the 18-097 bulletin wasn't install.I got installed yesterday .I hope will fix that problem.
    Thank you for that information.
    Pegsie likes this.
  14. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Hello Clarity Dave,
    Since update was installed I don't have any problem with charging.I did tray about 10 stations so far no problem.
    I really appreciate for that information. Some how service department don't care.I was on the middle to file lawsuit against Honda.
    They should fix that couple month ago.
    MPower likes this.

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