BC EV sales highest per capita in NA

Discussion in 'General' started by electriceddy, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. Almost 10% in 2020, and that number is just starting to blossom.:)
    Advice from the electrical supply authority to avoid "bottleneck"
    get on multiple waitlists or
    buy second hand (now included in the Provincial rebate program and possible soon to be Federal as well)
    Now, if we can only keep them charged:
    Efforts are being made, but can they keep up the pace.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    mho likes this.
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  3. marshall

    marshall Well-Known Member


    BC has a very good public charging network, cheap hydroelectricity, a rebate program, and high gas prices. The perfect storm for an EV revolution.
    electriceddy likes this.
  4. My only fear is with more EVs, will be less free charging. BC Hydro started charging on some of their free ones, although still left enough alone that I could still do a trip for free to pretty well anywhere I want to go in BC. The free Petro-Canada charging sure helps, too. So, for the time being, my free charging streak is holding, and I still haven't paid for a charge since I bought the car over two years ago, incl at home.

    But yeah, neighbours and friends are all talking about buying an EV. And more and more appearing on our street. I think the price of the new models are going up, and with high demand, might have to pay more than you want for a nice one. Seems to be a lot of money floating around though, and house prices, too, just keep going up and up. And the high stock markets make people think they are rich too, and want to spend some of that money. Everything driven my low interest rates, but that party will end, eventually, just a question of when...

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