Stopping the job enslavers and ending the fraud based sham society

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 101101, Apr 26, 2020.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    The American system is a fraudulent system of wage slavery. Wage slavery is just slavery by another name. The notion that the American people are free is laughable. American is a country with an elite that thinks of the American population as chattel or livestock and seethes with contempt for the population. It therefore has a fraudulent 4th estate that exists to cover up the fraud and contempt by constant distraction and diversion.

    It is obvious from a social contract and justice standpoint that if there are any silver spooners in society for whom work is optional then work must optional for all or it is an unjust society that must be changed. It is just basic justice and a condition of being free but it is all the more compelling when the sun provides the energy and robots and computers do the work. It doesn't matter who or what claims to own the current crop machines. And of course it must be a non-discretionary fully indexed basic income as a floor, less than that is just more deception to preserve the fraud based society.

    It is also obvious as the American Constitution holds people can't be owned and people have freedom of association and it is therefore completely obvious that organizations composed of people and their relationships cannot be owned because it would be and is slavery by another name. Organizations that are not owned will still be subject to tax and having their charters pulled for cause but complaints about the performances of such organizations are totally irrelevant. Would we talk about the 'performance' of for profit private prisons (when we recognize that even that clause in the constitution must be changed for coherence) or claim that tech isn't both suppressed as in being unnecessarily so long stuck on antiquated fossil fuels yet moving so fast it presents grave risks? The highest good is freedom and the recipients of the goods are of course rightly free people so this is a precondition of the good life, there is no progress without it and there isn't even a context for saying this would slow things down.

    Now for the 4th estate. it isn't that the news is fake, it is rather that the media itself at present can't claim to be a press. it can't claim to be a press because current so called main stream hyper consolidated media by design and by structure is there to undermine the public and therefore screams for the immediate pulling of its charters. Take the NY Times. First, it is sponsored- a conflict of interest so deep it means that the NY Times exists to lie to the public about the public interest for profit- which leads to legislative capture and the destruction of the already tenuous principle of political representation. Worse entities like this are supposed to be paid off with polical contributions in order for people to be elected? This non press is rigging the political system to keep the fraudulent slavery friendly narrative alive- that is why it exists. It also spies on its readership and sells their information, the very people it has tricked into paying it to be lied to. Nothing is more foolish in the history of the world than subscription that has sponsorship. That combination is deadly and must become outright illegal- it needs to be recognized as a crime because in aggregate it undermines all of society. Finally the NY times has the wrong form of holding. It is one of these 'owned' slavery based firms full of the idiocy of share holders , boards, executives, managers and supervisors- no free structure could tolerate any of that because it is the stuff of slavery- even where the organization claims the sham of public ownership. The things that belong to the public can never be alienated especially not through stupid notions such as 'privatization.'

    As has been said "tell them they have justice what more could they want," so they call it an 'ownership' society as a kind of insider joke on the raw slavery that it is. Its happened with academia as well. That dirtiest word in all of language 'sponsorship' has displaced tenure and made circle jerk peer review echo chambers from sponsored orthodoxy much worse and created hyper compartmentalization and imposed an expanding class of moronic sycophant 'administrators,' to impose the will of patron sponsors- devolving education into an infomercial or dumbing down process. Anything to dumb down to give hereditary inbred self-appointed elites a statistical chance against a massive human base that will produce statistical superiors including busy working kids to drive out creativity out of them and teach compliance and sugaring up the food to make it neurotoxic and putting lead in the gas and injecting with vaccines designed to spread the autistic spectrum, to disrupting the human biome with BT corn and diabetes inducing glyphosate and biome disrupting fossil fuel fertilizers to teaching moronic leader worship.

    As for what sufficient organizations might look like, I suspect these would have to be more oriented toward consensus and might make use of blinded decision making processes to cut charismatic taint. At least associated people would have a sense of being valued, trusted and have autonomy. Would hope there might be more of a spirit of friendship or fraternity than bland membership. These organizations will be problematic like all organizations but we have to see they will be better than organizations where people are defacto prostituted, rented and leased as if they were reduced to mere disposable property.

    Also we have to be rid of a security state and the only way to do that is to strip the state of all of its all so called 'secrets,' a state with secrets is a state not worthy of even the minimal trust that can be tentatively placed in a state, instead it is an unaccountable state. The secrets are always covering up wrong doing which is always metastasizing. State secrets are nothing more than an invasion of privacy and an engine of blackmail. No expediency arguments about the Manhattan project or conflations like the publishing of launch codes or time of the essences claims hold. Ends are always means in themselves but this is especially so for every action of a state. This is the difference between a free society and devolving into a tyranny that will naturally devolve in to moronic hereditary rule a fate that becomes worse than the murder of all of its members (because slavery is worse than murder.)

    There will be this claim: You're a socialist! But the retort is you're likely a thief who needs to be disgorged of your ill-gotten gain and do time to make reparations. Or how you going to pay for it? Aside from tools like modern monetary theory by removing your thieving and you're thieving influence from the picture because it is always some government tit sucker that is making these claims but in denial about their own state hypocrisy. It will always be someone like the entitled kind of silver spooner blathering about the dignity of slavery (involuntary'work',) the kind that feels more free if other people are less free the kind that will say well they have a choice they can stare and for whom it is other people who must always change- the kind that believes others exist to serve them. As has been observed there are of course many diametrically opposed silver spooners which provides one of the single greatest sources of hope. Let us remember that telling other people what to do, especially for money, is not a contribution, its a crime and a projective self-enslavement.
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