Why the FUD suddenly cranked up on Tesla

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by 101101, Jan 19, 2020.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Well as Forbes recently said self driving will be extremely negative for "automakers and their suppliers, energy and insurance companies" or extremely negative for the obsolete versions of these companies but incredibly positive for the public and the public's pocket book and quality of life.

    In 1984 we got Terminator (wonder what Orwell would have made of it) and a decade later we had the flying Terminators from the films opening scenes flying around making kill decisions only loosely supervised. 25 years after that we now have Google's remotely supervised drone taxis driving people around right now without a human driver. This is happening right now. And they know Tesla's approach is an even bigger deal and they know the flood gates will open shifting money out of their duress based obsolete past keeps repeating approach into a positive future with new tech.

    These obsolete companies and industries want to stop that all this. They also don't want Musk triggering his bonus. They are also worried about battery investor day and stock ratcheting up still more short burn destroying all their future FUD narratives and are completely wiped out again. They have money to burn (much of it public corporate welfare money) but the humiliation is a problem for them. They also have a problem in that Toyota, Ford and BMW haven't even been able to stop sudden unintended acceleration but here comes Tesla so confident it takes on self driving (none of them despite the lip service are doing this seriously because they know it would radically cut the number of vehicles the public needs- which they couldn't survive) and it is so confident in its tech and safety it even self-insures. Also they know on some level they are getting flushed so they want to do as much damage to Tesla as they can get away on their way down because these rent seekers are bitter.

    Tesla himself pitched his crystal radio powered car (it was something like that) to J.P. Morgan but Morgan said we don't want it if we can't put a meter on it- in short if they can't rent seek and use money to control people with it (slavery mentality,) they don't want it because its always been about control. Buckminster Fuller said nuclear fision would make energy too cheap to meter but that they would put a meter on the wind! He also said we should all be billionaires living in perfect ecology. None of that happened because this class of fools was allowed to engage in its patent suppression and invention suppression to prevent economic disruption bribery based laws that came into effect about 75 years ago to protect already useless fossil fuels and have since suppressed or gagged at least 5500 technologies and cost countless lives they would probably attempt to justify with population control assertions. So we've been stuck with plantation petrol slavery for 75 years longer than we should have been. But these rent seekers seen they are finally about to be evicted.

    So they are pretty desperate but it is is like they can't put enough of the tooth paste back into the tube any more than candle stick makers could with light bulbs that had already lit the night in major cities. They finally got beat by incremental technologies. Same thing with all their FUD on 5G they don't like it not because of spying or EMF but because it unleashes an ocean of bandwidth and destroys their lies about scarcity and expensive toll roads and their new long distance scams- what frigging idiot admin ever allowed them to sell their high speed minutes scams? We have an ocean of dark fiber and they tried to shut that down with their last mile BS (notice how the cable crap never had a last mile problem?) Our basic problem in the US is that we haven' t gone after white collar criminality and we've been failing to dissuade gluttony and fraud by taxing away money that hasn't been earned by real contribution. We have to voucherize what can be done with unearned income or tax it away because otherwise it is just turning a blind eye to theft and kleptocracy.
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  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Uh, "Suddenly?" I'm trying to remember when there was no FUD.

    Bob Wilson

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