Canadian battery heater?

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by turtleturtle, Nov 14, 2021.

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  1. turtleturtle

    turtleturtle Active Member

    Does anyone know how this works? Are there parts available to retrofit a US car? We life right in the Canadian border and brrr, it’s cold out here. This is not Phoenix, AZ.
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  3. northof49ev

    northof49ev Member

    There are no options to turn it on with HondaLink. Car tells you that ambient temperature is low and should be plugged in. This suggests that heater is "controlled" by car. We are just hitting low temperatures this week (-10'C) I park outside so I am also very interested to see how well it works at -30'C which is common around Edmonton.
  4. Actinic

    Actinic New Member

    I am also in Edmonton, and I have found that starting with HondaLink is quite spotty. Sometimes the schedule works, sometimes it doesn't. Manually starting the climate control doesn't always connect as well.
    I don't have L2 (240V) charging at home, every place I plug in is L1 (120V). The documentation does state that L1 charging won't work with remote climate start, but that being said I haven't had any issues starting with my key fob while plugged in.

    This is my second winter with my Clarity, and I haven't had any issues thus far. I do with the HondaLink app were better though, really disappointed there.
  5. northof49ev

    northof49ev Member

    Same experience as yourself. App sometimes starts scheduled climate control and sometimes not. It has gotten better with the last app update. I also have seen remote charging improve as well. It works every time know. I charge 120V at work also. I did get an email from Honda saying they were making improvements to the app in Canada so thats encouraging. Good to hear you have not had any issues. I park outside all winter so I'm hoping my experience is as good as yours!
  6. Paddy

    Paddy Member

    I happened to see the battery heater work once or twice. You need to plug it in. It automatically starts when the battery temperature drops to a certain degree. You will see the information on your dashboard to tell you to wait a little bit before you can start your car. It can’t be manually controlled.
    northof49ev likes this.
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