The Mini Cooper Urbanaut Concept Unveiled

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by GvilleGuy, Nov 18, 2020.

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  1. GvilleGuy

    GvilleGuy Well-Known Member

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  3. GetOffYourGas

    GetOffYourGas Well-Known Member

    This seems so contrary to everything Mini (and BMW) stands for. Mini's are known for their handling and driving characteristics. Likewise, BMW is supposed to be the "Ultimate Driving Machine". How does a "Living room on wheels" fit into either of those?
    Lainey likes this.
  4. GvilleGuy

    GvilleGuy Well-Known Member

    Agree - the only thing they kept was the Mini footprint. My first impression was "VW Microbus".
    Lainey likes this.
  5. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    It's cute... that's about all I can say. I'm sure it appeals to some, but part of the reason why I dislike some modern cars so much is that I want to drive my car, not be driven in my car. I want tight steering and go kart handling. That's why I bought my first Mini. That's why my first EV will be the Mini too. I'm a driver, not a rider.
  6. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Does the windshield flip up so you can do toll booths and reach for the ticket when entering a parking structure?
    Big Al likes this.
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  8. GetOffYourGas

    GetOffYourGas Well-Known Member

    I'm with you. I want to drive, not be driven. I want that drive to be as engaging as possible. That means a tight response around every turn, and not just an impressive 0-60 number (which 6.4s already is!).
    Lainey likes this.
  9. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    Yes! 0-60 is not the only thing. I was trying to explain to my boss why Tesla was not for me and his idea of fun was flooring it fast. The 0-60 numbers I've seen are all I need. As it is my Mini is often visibly too fast off the line compared to some, but when I'm on twisty roads I want that handling to be tight!

    I am sure this car would appeal to some, but not the standard Mini owner.
    GetOffYourGas likes this.
  10. KeninFL

    KeninFL Member

    I'm underwhelmed.
    With all that glass area it better have superior ac.
    The vehicle for people who don't like their living rooms.
    GvilleGuy and Lainey like this.

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