My Mini finally arrived. Couple Qs?

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by A_C, Feb 12, 2024.

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  1. A_C

    A_C New Member

    The transport dropped off my new Mini SE this morning. Sure was dirty, but expected and a quick wash cleaned it all up. I had one of the original i3s from 2014 to 2017 and excited to see this platform continue to evolve.

    Hooked up to the level 2 charger in my garage and everything works. Amazing how much more space I have where the Etron was parked!

    Couple questions. Do the lights always stay on when you plug it in or do you have to lock it for them to go off?

    Second, I run the heated seats all the time. Is there a way to set them to come on automatically at start?

    IMG_0006.jpeg IMG_0007.jpeg IMG_7132.jpeg
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  3. endquote

    endquote Active Member

    You can use Bimmercode to set it to "remember" various settings across starts of the car. This includes things like AC, driving mode, and heated seats.
    SameGuy likes this.
  4. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Do you mean headlights, interior lights, or charging lights? Whichever, the answer is they eventually turn off on their own. Basically the SE will "go to sleep" after something like 5-10 minutes of inactivity, but charging will continue.
    SameGuy likes this.
  5. A_C

    A_C New Member

    Hi Puppethead, it was the headlights and taillights - both came on and stayed on after I plugged in the car. I’ve read a lot of your posts as I was curious about the cold weather performance of the car. I’m here in MPLS also. How do I go about adjusting the code or Bimmercode? I’d like to set the heated steering wheel and seats on at start.
  6. chrunck

    chrunck Well-Known Member

    I remember once after I got the car, I came out to the garage for something and all the lights were on for unknown reasons. It thankfully hasn't happened since, and I'm not sure what triggered it.
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  8. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Fantastic car in the winter, even when -30 ºF it still works very well. Take advantage of climatization to warm it up, and avoid having it sit for hours unprotected in extreme cold to get the most out of it. I have to park it outside during the work day, and in the worst parts of winter I'll charge it for about an hour mid-day and that's sufficient to avoid cold-soaking the batteries.

    I've never done anything with Bimmercode, so I know nothing about it.
  9. MacMini34

    MacMini34 Member

    Is that Enigmatic Black? It does have a blue hue in the last photo - I don't normally go for black, but that looks nice.

    Mine sits unplugged on the driveway, so before we head out, taking my daughter to school around 7am, I use the MINI app to condition the car about 10 minutes before we leave. Warms the interior nicely, removes any condensation on the windshield and I note there seems to be a touch of warmth in the seats, although the seat heaters aren't showing on.

    When I've used the steering wheel heat I only have it on for a few minutes as that's all that is needed.

    I'm in Metrowest Massachusetts so January temps are usually a bit below freezing in the morning with the coldest so far being about -10C where only 60% power was available. I suspect you're going to be colder in MN!

    insightman likes this.
  10. JonR

    JonR Well-Known Member

    Good thing winter is basically over. 60 degrees here today and I need to mow the grass very soon.
  11. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    After a month of above-normal temps – washed the cars in a T-shirt on Saturday! – and no snow, woke up at 3:45 am for work and it was -11°C (12°F) and blustery, with about a half-inch of fresh snow. Seasonable for sure, but DANG it feels cold now!
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  13. A_C

    A_C New Member

    Hi MacMini, yes the color is Enigmatic black with silver roof and mirrors and a brown leather interior. I like the contrast - almost went white interior but worried about how clean I could keep it.

    I’m learning the car. Tried to precon from my phone a couple times but I get a “something went wrong” error each time. I can do the other things like lock / lights / horn….

  14. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    The dealer might have to apply the 3G sunset update to fix your climatization issues. Pretty much the same as the 2G sunset on the BMW i3.

    Preconditioning only happens if you are plugged into the EVSE and you schedule a departure time at least 3 hours in advance. If you are calorie counting, then that could be up to 5kWh. Generally the low calorie option is to schedule your charging so it reaches 100% before you leave the house.
  15. teddybare

    teddybare Member

    i pre-heat my car loads of times through the app and its not plugged in or scheduled
  16. MacMini34

    MacMini34 Member

    Me too. it takes a little while for the app to work. Sometimes the phone dims or goes off before I see the connection complete.

    I'm trying very hard to not pay for any electricity as there are 10(!) level 2 stations at the public schools 2-3minutes from me. They offer first 4 hours free and $0.50/hr after that. With our minuscule battery, I'm always fully charged before 4 hours, while a red Tesla M3 seems to be permanently there in the afternoons.

    I would have to run an extension cord to plug into my 110V in the garage and an extension cord seemed to be one of the many verboten symbols on the warning card that came with the car. Has anyone used an extension cord?

  17. MacMini34

    MacMini34 Member

    Seems odd that horn etc work and the conditioning does not. Shows that the app is able to talk to the car, but someone else will have to offer some further trouble shooting help here. If it came off a truck, I'm assuming a dealer is not close by? - but maybe a call might help.

    I've had one instance where "Eddie" did some sort of reboot as I'd set temps to Celsius and they went back to Fahrenheit on their own.

  18. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    Preconditioning also includes heating the HV battery. Climatization is just the cabin only.
  19. teddybare

    teddybare Member

    sorry but the mini se does not pre-condition the main battery only the cabin
    Rexsio likes this.
  20. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    Yes it does heat the HV battery, but you have to be plugged into an EVSE and set a departure time to do so (generally 3+ hours in advance). If you are not plugged in, then the departure time will do cabin only.
  21. MacMini34

    MacMini34 Member

    Ok, terminology issue. I used the term "conditioning" for the little fan symbol on the app, which really means "cabin conditioning". I've seen the part where one can do more when plugged in but since I'm not plugged in at home ....either way it seems odd that A_C can't get theirs to work. Maybe a dive into the manual is required (oh noes!).

  22. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I've never seen that documented anywhere, but I have heard that's what the i3 did so it wouldn't be surprising if the SE did as well. It wouldn't be the only thing undocumented with the SE.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  23. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    To be honest, the whole battery preconditioning is a power hog at ~4 to 5kWh. I would not recommend it unless you park outside and need the range. At -40F and colder, my cold soaked SE was literally undrivable as the steering rack was almost completely seized up.

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