Honda Communications

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by CFBrand3rd, Apr 14, 2023.

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  1. CFBrand3rd

    CFBrand3rd New Member

    Honda REALLY wants me to use Smart Charge; I’ve received this identical email 8 TIMES in the 12 days since I signed up in the HondaLink app…[​IMG]

    Sent from my iPad using Inside EVs
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  3. Block the email or remove the app.
    CFBrand3rd likes this.
  4. CFBrand3rd

    CFBrand3rd New Member

    Blocking the email seems like a bad idea, as they may actually use it to tell me something important at some point.

    Likewise, dumping the app & losing the functionality seems like overkill to eliminate what, at this point, is just a humorous nuisance…
  5. FWIW: We’ve had our Clarity for more than 3 1/2 years and have never installed or used the app. If I’ve missed something important, it probably wasn’t that important. A recall notice is about the only correspondence I want from Honda, and that would come in the mail or I’d learn about from the dealer during the annual oil change.

    Nearly every Hondalink discussion on the forum is about some sort of annoying behavior. It won’t connect, won’t update the odometer, won’t charge when it’s supposed to, stops charging when is isn’t supposed to, won’t start climate control, won’t unlock the doors, sends constant emails, etc. I haven’t been annoyed by any of those things and the car works just fine.
    coutinpe, Madmartigen and CFBrand3rd like this.
  6. coutinpe

    coutinpe Active Member

    I only use it for checking status while charging and to schedule maintenance from my armchair. Things I can actually live without, although it doesn't send me any emails...
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  8. Danks

    Danks Active Member

    See if your email lets you set a filter. With gmail you can set a filter to automatically trash messages that contain specific words - like "Honda SmartCharge".

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