Haters gonna hate....

Discussion in 'General' started by Toby2449, Nov 25, 2020.

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  1. Toby2449

    Toby2449 New Member

    Now i love owning my Kona EV, even with a couple of issues its a great car, & I certainly won't be changing it any time soon. Owned a 2016 30kwh Nissan Leaf prior to it, & whilst that was a little harder to justify, it was a great car too.
    I get a lot of queries from people about the Kona, & i'm always happy to answer questions & talk to people about my ownership experience. But the amount of people who will quite openly hate the car (actually not the car so much, but every EV!) is unreal. I've never come across anything in the car world that divides people's opinions so much. I get the feeling some people think because I own an EV, then I must be trying to push EV's down everyone's throat!
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  3. ericy

    ericy Well-Known Member

    That's something I have never encountered - a lot of people are genuinely curious about the thing, and I get naïve questions, but I never met anyone who hates the thing just because it is electric.
    DJP likes this.
  4. I haven't encountered that. Also quite the opposite. Neighbours ask, and then comment that their next car will likely be an EV. Several people on my street already have EVs. And they get really interested when I tell them all my charging so far has been free.
    DJP likes this.
  5. EVDog

    EVDog Member

    A week after I bought my Niro EV (and gave several coworkers a test drive), one of those coworkers showed up with his own Niro EV! He loves it just as much.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  6. EVDog

    EVDog Member

    Unfortunately he bought the SAME COLOR.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
    Clamps and electriceddy like this.
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  8. Reminds me of the days when all the trades drove the same white GMC 2500 vans, found myself more than a few times climbing into the wrong one:oops:
    mho likes this.
  9. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    In October 2005, we got our first Prius and they were hated: https://prius.fandom.com/wiki/Common_Prius_Myths
    • Prius is unprofitable -
    • Prius doesn't get EPA mileage -
    • Prius battery nickel destroyed Sudbury Canada -
    • Hummer has lower, lifetime, total cost-per-mile than the Prius -
    • Prius is so quiet it is a hazard to the blind, pedestrians, and bicyclists -
    • "Clean diesel" is just as good as a Prius -
    • Gas savings will never pay for the car -
    Share the truth with friends and family but I don't try to talk with strangers except for "$2.70 for 100 miles around town" and "$3.00-3.50 for 100 miles on the interstate." Do your own studies on how to get the maximum miles per buck so you can relate personal experience.

    Bob Wilson
  10. Bruce M.

    Bruce M. Well-Known Member

    The only comments I've gotten about my Kona electric have been positive or honestly inquisitive. Of course, maybe I'm in a bubble in San Francisco, but the positive reaction continued when I took it on a trip last summer.
    bwilson4web and electriceddy like this.
  11. world citizen

    world citizen New Member

    I have a question about the Kona:
    I need higher ground clearance (speed and handling not so important). Is it feasible to raise the suspension an inch or two?
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  13. If you post this in a new thread in the Kona forum you are more likely to get a response. I don't know about raising the suspension as I haven't looked at it closely. The wheel wells limit tire or wheel size increases to about an inch.
  14. world citizen

    world citizen New Member

    Ok, thanks.
  15. cmwade77

    cmwade77 Active Member

    Exactly, the people I have met thought they could 't drive an EV because of range or some such thing, speaking with them, they realized most of what they thought was incorrect and a few even bought EVs afterwards, I only know because I then saw them at the charging stations I was at after that.

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